Fabriano 5
- za akvarel, temperu, gvaš, akril, mastilo, ugljen, vosak, grafit, crtanje i grafiku;
- 20 listova;
- 300 g/m²;
- izrađen je od pamuka (50%) i precizno izabranih sirovina;
Dimenzija / opis:
cold pressed grana fina (fini reljef) / 36×51 cm - boja: bela;
The Fabriano Disegno 5 paper is mould made of a valuable mixture of cotton (50%) and
accurately selected raw material. The absence of acid guarantees the inalterability over
time of the paper. Ideal for watercolour, tempera, gouache, acrylic, ink, charcoal, wax,
graphite, felt-tipped pens, drawing and printmaking (etching, lithography and silk-screening),
announcements and invitations. The watermark (only on sheets) reproduces the Fabriano
logo and the inscription “50% COTTON”.