Standard Colours
- marker na vodenoj bazi;
- sa unikatnim pigmentnim mastilom omogućuje slikanje na gotovo svim površinama /uključujući i ljudsko telo/;
- izrađen na bazi vode, nije toksičan;
- idealan za body painting i grafite;
- Posca markeri daju brilijantnu završnu boju umetničkim radovima, hobi materijalima, itd;
- markeri su vodootporni i ne izbleđuju vremenom;
- debljina: BT (8mm), broad tip;
- Set 1/8;
- Boje: black, green, light green, blue, violet, red, pink, yellow, white, light blue, brown, orange, apricot, light orange, grey;
Paint, colour, draw, write, decorate, mark.
With its broad chisel tip, the PC-8K can not only draw clear curves with a graphic calligraphy effect; it can also colour wide areas. Available in a huge range of colours, it is ideal for flat colours, markings of all kinds and of course street art creations and lettering.
The PC-8K enables artists to paint and draw on any surface, indoors or outdoors; keen decorators to give makeovers to rooms, furniture, objects and fabrics; surfers and skaters to decorate their boards; professionals to decorate window displays.